Building Sustainability

At DTHD, sustainability refers to the big picture of doing what’s necessary to help establish a permanent, capacity-building medical center in Central Tanzania, one that will serve the people well into the future.  Sustainability means the ability to serve all patients at all times, enhanced training and partnerships, and maintaining equipment.

Sustainability Model



At DTHD, Sustainability Is:

Financial Accountability — Strong financial operations are a cornerstone for any sustainable business, and DTHD has worked with the medical center’s trustees and management to establish an effective system of cost center management, regular financial reporting, and donor controls.  In addition, DTHD is accountable to U.S.-based nonprofit regulatory authorities, our donors and partners.

DCMC is financially supported through a combination of:

Asante Beverage Co. water bottling facility

  • Private donations from DTHD
  • Fee-for-service revenue
  • Compassionate enterprise (Dodoma Innovation & Production Company)

Social Enterprise/Impact Investing — In 2007, inspired by the concept of compassionate entrepreneurship, a number of U.S. investors developed a separate, for-profit company — Dodoma Innovation & Production Company (DIPC) — dedicated to sharing profits with DCMC for future sustainability. DIPC includes water and beverage bottling, grape growing and construction enterprises.

Partnership — At DTHD, we help facilitate partnerships with the medical center, such as a Ob/Gyn and Epidemiology residency exchange program with the University of Minnesota and Global Health Ministries. Medtronic has named DCMC as a site for minimally invasive surgery training. In addition to partnering with Tanzania Ministry of Health, the Community Health Department also has ongoing global partnerships.